
目前显示的是 五月, 2023的博文

Kant and Stoic Ethics Workshop

Kant and Stoic Ethics Workshop 2023, UNSW Brad Inwood (Yale), “Formula and Formalism in Stoic Ethics”  formula这个词使用于法律的处境。Kant也常常用法庭来比喻来进行思考。即道德道德在法律的视野下表达为一种公式、命令、法条。【我们可以从思想家经常使用的比喻中来体会思想家的处境,比如亚里士多德经常使用工匠的比喻。】 另外值得注意的是,斯多亚主义也经常提到圣人。 Alix Cohen (Edinburgh), “Orientation and Agency: from the Stoics’ oikeiōsis to Kant’s Orientierung”  oikeiōsis这个希腊词汇非常重要,英语翻译为affinity。中文可理解为亲。【但是他的这种亲近的情感,更多是自上而下的(父母对子女),跟孝这种自下而上的方向不同。】 学术界也经常讨论,个人性的oikeiōsis和社会性的oikeiōsis之间如何沟通? 同时参考论文,“自爱与他爱是一:论斯多亚学派 oikeiōsis 观念的内在一致性”。

Buried Ideas

Allan, S 2015, Buried ideas: legends of abdication and ideal government in recently discovered early Chinese bamboo-slip manuscripts , SUNY Press, Albany. This book discusses four excavated manuscripts: 唐虞之道, 子羔, 容成氏, and 保训. 唐虞之道 pronouncedly supports abdication. 子羔 sees virtue as the pivotal element of power transition.   容成氏 provides a devolutionary history and pursues the harmony of heaven and earth. 保训 presents the notion of the center 中, literally(geographically) and figuratively. See, pp. 324-326. 

Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius

Xiao, Y., & Chong, K. C. (Eds.). (2023). Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius . Springer Nature. Chapter 2 Unravelling the Connections Between the Mozi and the Mencius 处理authorship的方式:The convention to refer to "Mozi" and "Mencius" as the representative voices of the two relevant books is also applied in this chapter. 对疑古派的回避,而采用的方法论,hermeneutics of informed ignorance,即只关心二者的某些联系,而不总论全部。 出土文献的启发:早期中国文献是长期编纂而成。因此,不能说《墨子》全书篇章都先于《孟子》。But since textual research since the Qing dynasty and unearthed manuscripts in the last decades have increasingly shown that early Chinese books are the result of various contributors over time, we can no longer assume that every part of the Mozi predates every part of the Mencius. (p. 27) 就孟子论墨子的段落而言,研究问题:What is said about Mo? And who is called Mo here? 孟子对夷之的”爱无差等“的表述根本没出现在《墨子》中。 作者分析了《孟子》论墨的四个段落,然后再以此到《墨子》中检讨。 Even though Mencius does not refer to any book related to Mo Di, I try to address Mencius’s claims on the basis of t


Xin, L. Chen, Lai 陳來, The Confucian Theory of Virtue 儒學美德論. Dao 22, 159–162 (2023). Perspective: Virtue ethics. MacIntyre's After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory Content: 1, public virtue ( gongde 公德) and private virtue ( side 私德) 2, virtue ethics Enlightening points: 1, A human moral agent is both a body-being ( shenti de cunzai 身體的存在 ) and a mind-being ( xinling de cunzai 心靈的存在 ). 儒家对道德主体的看法。 2, Confucian ethics is also the unity of virtue and principle, of nature and virtue, of the moral and the nonmoral, of public virtue and private virtue, and of moral state and hypermoral/supererogatory state ( chaodaode jingjie 超道德境界 ). 儒家是一系列对子的圆融统一。 3, Confucianism clarifies the idea of personality, that is, the personality of a gentleman ( junzi renge 君子人格 ) and the personality of a sage ( shengxian renge 聖賢人格 ) through its description of virtues. 儒家澄清了人格观念。 4, using virtue ethics as a reference can help us examine and analyze Confucius' ethical system from a new angle. 以美德伦理学

Learning from exemplars in Confucius’ Analects: The centrality of reflective observation

Yu-Yi Lai & Karyn Lai (2022): Learning from exemplars in Confucius' Analects: The centrality of reflective observation, Educational Philosophy and Theory. 研究目的: 1,范例主义是理解儒家道德修身的理论框架; 2,沟通理论与实践; 3,通过《论语》来证明范例主义的实际应用。 具体的实践——观。它包含三个要素:观察、评价、模仿。 To conclude our discussion, we return to observation, evaluation and emulation, centring on guan, to articulate the practical processes of Confucian moral learning. When we guan (observe) others' behaviours , we access a repository of practices in our ethico-cultural environment. Experienced guides point to examples exemplary and negatively-exemplary behaviours. under their guidance, we may also be introduced to the methods and resources for training our own guan (evaluative) capacities . With practice, this enables us to think independently, and to stand back to reflect on what we have observed. In emulating the practices of exemplary people , we may adapt what we have learnt, both creating our own repertoire of actions and, ideally,