The Relation of Divine Revelation and Man's Religion in the Theologies of Karl Barth and Paul Tillich

Song, Choan-Seng. The Relation of Divine Revelation and Man's Religion in the Theologies of Karl Barth and Paul Tillich. 1965. Union Theological Seminary, PhD dissertation.

An Introductory Statement

This dissertation gives a theological interpretation of the phenomenon of religion and religions. “In my judgment, the attitude of a Christian theologian towards the non-Christian faiths is basically determined by the kind of answer he gives to the problem of the relation of divine revelation and man's religion.” (p.2) So the author will particularly re-examine the relation of divine revelation and the phenomenon of religion. He believes that “both Karl Barth and Paul Tillich open up new possibilities for inter-religious dialogue on far deeper level than is commonly realized.” (p.5)

第一章 该章研究巴特的《罗马书释义》

巴特给人的印象似乎是拒斥宗教,实则不然。他认为,religion is a human reality created by the divine possibility,启示在先,宗教在后。(p.9) 巴特关于此议题的核心概念是the impress of revelation (Offenbarungseindruck)。神人关系(如此的神和如此的人)是圣经的主题和哲学的本质。(pp.16-17) 巴特给出的一个结构(p.22):

Revelation --- Offenbarungseindruck --- Religion 


Barth believes that religion is a human reality created by the Divine Possibility. (p.28) 【巴特的宗教观】宗教是神的可能性,而非人的可能性,后者自大而忘记了神的恩典。(p.30)宗教若被误用,就会成为人的自义的工具。(pp.33-34) “The divine possibility is the ontological ground of religion as a human reality; the human reality of religion is an existential manifestation of the divine possibility of religion.” (p.38)

神人关系是最基本的,在先的,无论人信或不信。(p.46) 宗教最后的导向是耶稣基督。(p.47) 至于其他宗教,“The sense in the non-sense of pagan religious practices must be the witness the pagan gives to the presence and act of the Unknown God.”(p.50) “without the divine grace manifested in creation and in Christ, religion would simply be an empty talk, void speculation, or impossible non-sense.”(p.50) 在基督教中,普遍性的东西是什么?是在上帝的自由中的恩典的普遍性(universalism of grace)。(pp.51-52)

第二章 在《教会教义学》中巴特的宗教观



巴特认为,上帝是人的存在的存在论基础。宗教的起源基于上帝。(p.70) 巴特的人类学:人性在上帝的创造中的完整intactness,因此,如果否认人性及其善,就是在否认上帝创造的实在和它的善。创造是上帝对混乱和黑暗的战胜。(p.74)

analogia entis表示神人之间是一个连续体

analogia relationis表示“上帝行动-人回应”这一关系



基督,是宗教的真理的标准。(p.106) 宗教是人类生活的基本方面。宗教的规范就是启示。(p.110) 在诸宗教问题中,耶稣基督(作为启示)是真宗教的标准。(p.119) 耶稣基督意味着Logos,通过它,创造进入实存,拯救成为肉身(Jesus Christ is the Logos through whom creation comes into existence andsalvation becomes incarnate in the world)。(p.123) 宗教宽容,也是基于基督的宽容。

第三章 蒂利希的现象学方法



宗教现象学的先驱:W. Brede Kristensen强调关注宗教现象的内在意义(缺点:主观性强);G. van der Leeuw指出启示是神学研究的对象,现象是现象学研究的客观数据。蒂利希则提出Critical Phenomenology,他只是借用现象学的方法,使得神学更科学更系统(p.176),It tries to “find a universally valid meaning which can serve in a concrete context as a criterion for various expressions and manifestations of spiritual life”(p.183)。蒂利希的批判现象学,他的标准是最终启示(耶稣基督)。(p.184)

第四章 蒂利希与诸宗教问题 

蒂利希认为,启示的知识,来源于有限存在对存在自身的参与。(p.193) “Revelation is in short the manifestation of the Spiritual Presence in the spirit of man which forms the most basic dimension of his life.”(p.198) 启示有三个方面:first, the ecstatic character of revelation; second, the universal-concrete nature of revelation; and third, Tillich's rejection of general revelation. (Ibid.) 启示总是在具体的情境下发生。(p.203) 因此,也没有所谓的普遍启示。蒂利希拒斥普遍启示,就是为了拒绝基督教会之外的启示。蒂利希指出,宗教并非是人的产物,而是基于启示。(p.209)蒂利希指出,耶稣基督是诸宗教的真理标准。(p.227) 这是因为十字架——否定自身却没有丧失自身。(p.229)

第五章 结论

巴特和蒂利希都认为,“Revelation is the ontological ground for the possibility and reality of man's religion.”(p.250) 并且,耶稣基督是宗教的真理的标准。“The kerygmatic theology of Barth and the apologetic theology of Tillich lead to the same conclusion which says that Jesus Christ is the criterion of the truth of religion and religions.”(p.264) 宋认为,不仅如此,耶稣基督还是诸宗教的和解reconciliation。宋认为,“I hold that whenever and wherever God reveals Himself, the revelatory situation thus created is invariably special and personal.” (p.278)