Aristotelian Flourishing and Contemporary Philosophical Theories of Wellbeing

Symons, X., VanderWeele, T. Aristotelian Flourishing and Contemporary Philosophical Theories of Wellbeing. J Happiness Stud 25, 26 (2024).

本文主要分析亚里士多德的幸福 eudaimonia (εὐδαιμονία)概念。亚的幸福理论接近幸福的致善主义perfectionist theory of wellbeing。

Aristotelian flourishing includes elements of moral and cognitive perfectionism as well as an objective list of external goods and presupposes one's embeddedness within communities. 亚氏的幸福,包括道德和认知的致善主义,以及外在善,并且预设了一个共同体。
