【重要】The use of biographical narratives in exemplarist moral education

Edward Brooks, Oliver Coates & Liz Gulliford (2024) The use of biographical narratives in exemplarist moral education, Journal of Moral Education, 53:1, 176-194.



(1)古典教育:以Homer, Livy, Plutarch, and Virgil为代表,关注英雄行为。




(2)现代教育:借鉴Linda Zagzebski的理论EMT,关注榜样agent。






(i) Selectivity 选择哪位传主?

(ii) Indoctrination 灌输的方式?修辞与榜样的品格一致【修辞立其诚?】

(iii) Receptivity 如何使学习者接受这些榜样?奥古斯丁反思自己当初的不接受源于骄傲的自足proud self-sufficiency,或谓防御性的自我defensive ego。对于榜样的接受,在于gratitude and friendship.

(iv) Relevance 与学生自身经历的相关性


This article examines the use of biographical narratives in contemporary moral education, with particular reference to the exemplarist moral theory (EMT) of Linda Zagzebski. It distinguishes between classical and modern versions of exemplarist moral education, highlighting the seminal contribution of Augustine’s Confessions. Itself an autobiography, Confessions presents a new way to read a life, highlighting a transition from the conformist pattern of replication inherent in classical education to a central concern with self-identity and the inner life. We argue the educational benefits of a modern Augustinian approach, presenting and responding to four important concerns: (1) the selectivity of authors and educators in choosing which exemplars and life events to present; (2) the rhetorical power of narratives, which can be used as a means of indoctrination; (3) the need for students to be appropriately receptive in order for exemplar narratives to increase moral motivation; (4) the importance of relevance and realism in the exemplar narratives that are used. Along the way, we highlight a significant tension in EMT, relating to the instability of its grounding on the identification of human exemplars and the possibility of selecting individuals who may later come to light as far from exemplary persons.