Pain, suffering, and the time of life: a buddhist philosophical analysis

Smith, S.M. Pain, suffering, and the time of life: a buddhist philosophical analysis. Phenom Cogn Sci (2024).

In this paper, I explore how our experience of pain and suffering structure our experience over time. I argue that pain and suffering are not as easily dissociable, in living and in conceptual analysis, as philosophers have tended to think. Specifically, I do not think that there is only a contingent connection between physical pain and psychological suffering. Rather, physical pain is partially constitutive of existential suffering. My analysis is informed by contemporary thinking about pain and suffering as well as Indian Buddhist philosophy.



1. Pains are homeodynamic affects.

2. Homeodynamic affects have horizonal and not just object intentionality.

3. Homeodynamic affects are partially constitutive of existential suffering.

C. Pains have horizonal intentionality and are partially constitutive of existential


注:Homeodynamic affects are those feelings associated with the living body's self-regulation processes.