Confucian propriety without inequality: A Daoist (and feminist) re-construction

Christine Abigail Lee Tan (11 Mar 2024): Confucian propriety without inequality: A Daoist (and feminist) re-construction, Asian Philosophy.

儒家价值观历史上会导致有害的传统:压制边缘群体marginalized groups,如女性。作者主张,儒家的和谐harmony,并不必然起源于等级秩序(荀子)。通过整合道家和女性主义的视野,作者主张,儒家的礼可以因此达到和harmony。

第一节 就关系存在论,整合儒家和道家

Relational ontology is the idea that there is nothing outside of the processes and relationships which make up the world.  儒家和道家共享此一观念。道家,可见《齐物论》天籁段落。儒家,德性之间相互依赖,可见《论语》“礼之用和为贵”。

第二节 礼的社会病理学 Social pathologies of Li

作者举出例子,如班昭,说明制度化的儒家对女性的刻板规定。作者认为,问题出在hierarchy and domination等级和支配。例如,荀子认为,等级秩序是必然的,如同天与地,否则,加入人人平等,人们就不会团结。等级的前提是支配,支配的产物则是边缘化。If hierarchy necessarily presupposes domination, yet domination results in marginalization, then marginalization becomes a natural part of the workings of the universe.

第三节 Hierarchy and order, flattened

作者接着发问:how is one to preserve roles without hierarchy?

作者指出harmony的重要性。Harmony is the alternating of opposites, of diversity, and of differences. 和谐是对立、多元、差异的交替。对于和谐而言,重要的是,什么是合适的there is only what is appropriate。

第四节 没有不平等的礼 Propriety without inequality: Li as dependence-based autonomy



作者指出,li is a contingency-based autonomy in that it is what is appropriate for one’s self and others at that very time and place. 礼应该是基于偶在的自治。