Mengzian Sensitivity to Social Roles

Lebkuecher, G. Mengzian Sensitivity to Social Roles. Dao (2024).

第一节 导论


自然主义的道德实在论:德性涉及一种对道德性质的感受性。John McDowell属于此流。



例如孟子与梁惠王的对话,此心可以王矣。作者认为,孟子发展了一种理论:美德,是一种感受性sensitivity,包括了对人类角色、及其道德义务的感知。 I claim that Mengzi puts forward an account of virtue as a sensitivity that includes perception of uniquely human roles and the moral obligations they generate. 作者认为,对于解释道德性质的感知,孟子式的观点比McDowell's Sensitivity Account更好.

第二节 Naturalistic Moral Realism and Its Problems 西方传统

moral realism: 道德断言指称事实,并具有真假。

naturalistic moral realism: moral qualities exist as real features of the world. 道德性质实存于实在世界中。这一观点的优点在于:道德判断具有客观的真值。

对naturalistic moral realism的著名批判是:如果道德性质实在,那么它们必须是可测量的measurable(可被科学量化)。

第三节  The McDowellian Sensitivity Account

为了回应批判,Sensitivity Account的核心主张:

(1)motivational internalism:如果某人判断“我该做P”,那么,此人必然有动机做P。


第四节 Problems with the McDowellian Sensitivity Account




第五节 The Mengzian Sensitivity Account

作者认为,孟子发展了一种sensitivity theory。

His theory thus presents moral qualities as both real (such that moral facts are "out there" in the world) and dependent on agents' social positions, so that what is called for morally shifts with the agent's social roles.

第六节 Mengzi's Context and Moral Psychology

第七节 Mengzian Sensitivity to Social Roles and Relationships

作者给《孟子》做出的新解读a novel reading是:Mengzi can be considered a virtue theorist of the sensitivity kind but one who, further, applies the notion of virtue as sensitivity to the moral force of relationships and roles. 


第八节 Mengzi's Answer to Problems of Changing Moral Judgments and Cross‑Cultural Variation 孟子对SA两个问题的回应

第九节 结论
