The Shadow of a Doubt: Obsessive-compulsive uncertainty and maximal grip

Title: The Shadow of a Doubt: Obsessive-compulsive uncertainty and maximal grip

Speaker: Ian Robertson

Time: 10 April 2024, 12:15 pm -1:45 pm

Venue: Morven Brown, L3, Room 310


值得注意的概念:alief 【与belief相对】

In philosophy and psychology, an alief is an automatic or habitual belief-like attitude, particularly one that is in tension with a person's explicit beliefs.

For example, a person standing on a transparent balcony may believe that they are safe, but alieve that they are in danger. A person watching a sad movie may believe that the characters are completely fictional, but their aliefs may lead them to cry nonetheless. 

Wikipedia. 2024. "Alief (Mental State)." Wikimedia Foundation. Last modified February 25, 2024.