Jean Améry and the time of resentment

Ferber, I. (2023). Jean Améry and the time of resentment. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 0(0).

Jean Amery有专门一篇“ressentiment”的文章,其背景问题是奥斯维辛之后。他对ressentiment的看法受尼采影响,但是反着来,认为ressentiment是必要的,体现了道德的力量(p. 8)。怨恨的时间性在于,倒退回过去,并且又扬弃过去 regression into the past and nullification of what happened (p. 11)。它不愿意到达未来,不愿意忘记过去。


文章《Jean Améry and the Time of Resentment》由Ilit Ferber撰写,发表于2023年,深入分析了Jean Améry的文章《Resentments》,并从时间性的角度进行了探讨。文章的主要内容如下:

1. **Améry《Resentments》的背景和结构**:文章以Améry作为大屠杀幸存者的经历为基础,反思了这些经历的后果。

2. **讨论的时间性方面**:

   - **延迟**:怨恨的出现及其与创伤的联系。

   - **永恒轮回**:Améry对尼采的批评以及他们思想之间的关联。

   - **自然时间和宽恕**:对宽恕时间结构的批评,以及对未来优先于过去的质疑。

   - **道德时间与不可逆转性**:探讨怨恨的扭曲时间结构及时间可逆性的幻想。

   - **未来**:Améry对年轻德国人的直接呼吁,强调责任而非责备,作为他们未来的关键。

3. **个人和哲学维度**:Améry的文章将个人忏悔与哲学思考结合起来,捍卫怨恨作为一种道德立场,而非病态。

4. **《Resentments》中的时间结构**:文章强调了Améry作品中非线性、破碎的时间特性,反对传统上将时间视为治愈和连续性的来源。

5. **Améry的转变**:Améry在火车上读报时发生了一次重大转变,这一时刻引发了他深深的怨恨,突显了他感受的突然性和破坏性。

6. **对战后德国态度的批评**:Améry批评了战后德国和世界前进的方式,通常伴随着遗忘和冷漠,这加剧了他的怨恨。

7. **怨恨作为道德指南**:Améry认为,只有受害者才真正理解所遭受的不公,主张怨恨在诚实面对世界中的重要性。


The article "Jean Améry and the Time of Resentment" by Ilit Ferber, published in 2023, offers an in-depth analysis of Jean Améry's essay "Resentments" from the perspective of temporality. The key points of the article are as follows:

1. **Context and Structure of Améry's 'Resentments'**: The essay is rooted in Améry's experiences as a Holocaust survivor and his reflections on the aftermath of these experiences.

2. **Temporal Aspects Discussed**:

   - **Delay**: The emergence of resentments and their connection to trauma.

   - **Eternal Recurrence**: Améry's critique of Nietzsche and the interconnections between their ideas.

   - **Natural Time and Forgiveness**: A critique of the temporal structure of forgiveness and the prioritization of the future over the past.

   - **Moral Time and the Irreversible**: Exploration of the distorted temporal structure of resentments and the fantasy of time’s reversibility.

   - **The Future**: Améry's address to young Germans, emphasizing responsibility over blame as a key to their future.

3. **Personal and Philosophical Dimensions**: Améry’s essay combines personal confession with philosophical meditation, defending resentment as a moral standpoint rather than a pathology.

4. **Temporal Structures in 'Resentments'**: The article highlights the non-linear, fractured nature of time in Améry’s work, opposing the traditional view of time as a source of healing and continuity.

5. **Améry’s Transformation**: A significant moment of transformation for Améry occurs while reading a newspaper on a train, which triggers his deep-seated resentments. This moment underscores the sudden and disruptive nature of his feelings.

6. **Critique of Post-War German Attitudes**: Améry is critical of how post-war Germany and the world moved forward, often with forgetfulness and indifference, which fueled his resentments.

7. **Resentment as a Moral Compass**: Améry argues that only the victim possesses the true moral understanding of the injustices suffered, advocating for the importance of resentment in facing the world honestly.

By focusing on these aspects, the article merges autobiographical insights with philosophical analysis, revealing the complex interplay between personal trauma and philosophical reflections on time and morality in Améry’s work.