Movements of the mind: A theory of attention, intention and action

Wu, Wayne. Movements of the mind: A theory of attention, intention and action. Oxford University Press, 2023.

1 The Structure of Acting





action的定义:action is a solution to the selection problem. 

2 Attention and Attending

三类Attention: vigilance警觉(准备状态a readiness to attend to the target), attentional guidance (including input and output), and attending as an action (只包括input)

定义attention:attention就是对selection problem的一个解solution

3 Intention as Practical Memory

intention是一种memory。作者论证,intention与working memory在功能上具有等同性。

定义:记忆memory是encoding, maintaining, accessing.




4 Intending as Practical Remembering


(made by 詹心怡)

intending in action is a kind of practical memory. 

practical memory具有连续性。

(1) coherence → the continuity of practical memory

(2) agentive control → the continuity of practical memory

Intentional agency → coherence and agentive control → the continuity of practical memory


Intending-in-action is constituted by fine-tuning of practical memory in practical reasoning. 【fine-tuning指的是,对intention的expressions做出选择】

By practical reasoning, the agent keeps time with her action in intending. As the agent acts, she occupies a temporal perspective rooted in her present intention-in-action. This perspective is sensitive to the here and now of agency. 【intention中的时间性】

Chapter 5 Automatic Bias, Experts and Amateurs


two kinds of bias: explicit bias (e.g., racism) and implicit bias (implicitly biased behavior)

Automatic bias is driven by biased attention. 【以attention的理论来解释bias】

实验:医学新手和专家expert之间,对X光图的眼动差别。专家更精准地看到病变区域,抓住要点(Sec. 5.5)。

Thesis 3: Attention is a target of normative assessment, and the panoply of biases on attention provides a map for such assessments.


Learning and Training attention:

-Skill acquisition requires consistent practice to develop correct biases.

-Training involves repetition to achieve automaticity (e.g, doctors, performers).

-Attention is a skill that can be established, developed, and maintained through training.

Practical upshot:

-Focus not on elimination but on transformation of problematic bias

-Training for skillful attention often relies on continuous practice and immediate feedback.

Chapter 6 Deducing, Skill, and Knowledge

deducing是reasoning的一个典范,具有两个特征:(1)从前提到结论的cognitive attention的运动所构成;(2)前提为结论提供cognitive cues

进一步,作者分析,deducing作为action,如何与学习learning(包括knowledge and skill)相关。

reasoning是一种know how(知道如何推理)。Skills contribute to know-how. It fills the gap between intending and acting which constitutes practical ignorance.