Moral Obligation and Moral Motivation in Confucian Role-Based Ethics

Nuyen, A.T. Moral Obligation and Moral Motivation in Confucian Role-Based Ethics. Dao 8, 1–11 (2009).


本文的问题:How is the Confucian moral agent motivated to do the right things?


2,role and obligation

论证儒家是角色伦理,而非德性伦理或规范伦理。这是因为,儒家对德性和规范的理解,是基于其对作为角色的自我(即moral agent)的理解。责任的生成则在于社会关系a social relationship entails certain obligations (p. 3)。Moral obligations are derived from the roles that define an individual as a person or an agent. To know what one’s obligations are requires educating oneself into the roles that define one as a person. It is a matter of self-cultivating, not one of pure moral reasoning (p. 4).

3,obligations and motivation

分析儒家的修身理论(正命、正名等等,a process of learning to motivate oneself to be sincere)。作者主张,儒家的道德信念与动机存在联系,但是这并不意味着儒家就是内在主义,也不是外在主义。


4,Between Internalism and Externalism


作者注意到了Simpson提供的一个中间模型,即the psycho-semantic process that underlies the logical dependency between a moral judgment and motivation (p. 9)。作者对1A7进行分析,认为梁惠王见到苦难与有动机去减轻苦难二者的依赖关系被破坏了,导致这种破坏的就是the defeating condition,即孟子所指出的梁惠王的征服欲(统治四海)。孟子所做的就是要重新建立二者的联系,消解这一defeating condition (p. 9)。

因此,儒家并不接受休谟式的belief-desire dualism二元模型,而是“心”的模型。 Instead, Confucians suppose that both belief and desire, cognition and affection, are produced by a single faculty, xin 心 , which is both mind and heart. Xin, as mind, tells the agent what his or her obligations are and at the same time, as heart, inclines the agent to discharge them (p. 10). 换言之,儒家伦理是信-欲兼备的模型Confucian ethics is a belief-cum-desire model。