Nietzsche's moral psychology

Alfano, M. (2019). Nietzsche's moral psychology. Cambridge University Press.

【本书使用digital humanities的方法,给出尼采道德心理学的关键词的词频。并围绕这些关键词展开分析。】


Drive: acted-directed dispositions

Instinct: innate drives

Type: constellations of instincts and other drives (Section 3.4)

本书第四章讨论尼采的virtue概念。Virtues are well-calibrated drives. 尤为重要的是,Section 4.4.4 (以及4.4.5) 讨论了尼采的exemplarism,并且和基督教、孟子比较。第五章强调尼采的virtue概念的社会性social。尼采自己的type是:curiosity, courage, pathos of distance, sense of humor, and solitude.



### 书籍内容摘要

**《尼采的道德心理学》**是马克·阿尔法诺(Mark Alfano)对弗里德里希·尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)伦理学、德性和道德心理学观点的全面审视。阿尔法诺结合细致的文本分析和数字方法(如语料库分析和语义网络可视化)来研究尼采的著作。这本书为尼采的德性概念提供了一个新视角,填补了以往解释中的忽视之处。




### Summary of the Book

**"Nietzsche's Moral Psychology"** by Mark Alfano is a comprehensive examination of Friedrich Nietzsche's views on ethics, virtue, and moral psychology. Alfano approaches Nietzsche's work through a combination of close textual analysis and digital methodologies, such as corpus analysis and semantic network visualization. The book offers a fresh perspective on Nietzsche's concept of virtue, which has often been overlooked in previous interpretations of his philosophy.

Alfano argues that Nietzsche's virtues can be understood as well-calibrated drives, which vary from person to person based on their individual constellation of drives. He identifies five essential virtues in Nietzsche's philosophy: curiosity, courage, a sense of humor, and the pathos of distance, which involves a form of contemptuousness towards oneself and society.

The book delves into how these virtues are necessary for the pursuit of truth and intellectual courage, particularly emphasizing the need for a ruthless curiosity that overcomes the natural inclination to avoid uncomfortable truths. Alfano also explores Nietzsche's critique of pity and how intellectual courage can protect against the dangers of wishful thinking.

Overall, Alfano's work is significant for scholars of Nietzsche, historians of philosophy, and researchers in moral psychology and virtue ethics. It also highlights the innovative use of digital humanities methodologies in philosophical research.

### 《尼采的道德心理学》主要结论


1. **驱动力和评价倾向**:

   - 驱动力是行为导向的动机和评价倾向,具有相对稳定的目标,但对象是流动的。每个人的类型由其所能达到的驱动力集合组成。

   - 尼采认为美德是一种校准良好的驱动力,校准取决于内外约束,其中一个重要的外部约束是来自社区的情感和反应态度。如果某种驱动力可能引发社区的强烈负面情感反应(例如自责、羞耻或自我厌恶),这种驱动力就不可能成为美德。

2. **社区的角色**:

   - 社区在尼采的道德心理学中起着至关重要的作用。驱动力的表达如果容易引起社区的负面情绪反应,这种驱动力就不适合作为美德。

   - 尼采的哲学并非完全个体主义或自我主义,相反,他强调社区在培养和限制个体德性方面的重要性。

3. **榜样主义的批判**:

   - 尼采批判了传统榜样主义,认为将榜样视为不可超越的目标会限制创造力和进步。即使榜样只让人们错误地认为超越它们是不可能的,这种看法也会成为自我实现的预言,限制艺术家和创造性人物的创新潜力。

   - 尼采主张一种更丰富的榜样和情感导向的榜样主义,认为榜样不仅应该激励我们模仿,还应该允许我们超越。

4. **语言和标签的作用**:

   - 驱动力的发展和表达取决于赋予它们的语义和价值。当人们的性情在标签的印象下发生变化时,标签的意义也会随之演变。尼采认为,这种动态反馈循环决定了德性的形成。
