Even More Supererogatory

Holly M. Smith (2024) Even More Supererogatory, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 102:1, 1-20.


1. X is deontically ATC (all things considered) permissible, not deontically ATC required, and not deontically ATC wrong.

2. X is morally good, that is, it has greater excess erogatory value than the permissible alternative with the least excess erogatory value.

3. X would impose a personal cost on the agent, that is, it has greater opportunity cost for its agent than the permissible alternative with the least opportunity cost.

4. X may be performed by an agent who has a prima facie (but no ATC ) duty to perform X, or by an agent who has no duty, not even a prima facie duty, to perform X.

5. There is no deontically permissible alternative to act X that has the same excess erogatory value but would impose less opportunity cost on the agent.

6. There is no deontically permissible alternative to act X that would have greater excess erogatory value but impose an equal or smaller opportunity cost on the agent.


1. 行为X是道德上允许的,但不一定必须做,也不算错。

2. 行为X在道德上比其他选项更好。

3. 行为X对做的人有较高的个人成本。

4. 行为X可以由有初步义务的人或者没有义务的人来做。

5. 没有其他选项能在保持同样的道德价值时让个人成本更低。

6. 也没有其他选项能在更高的道德价值下保持相同或更低的个人成本。