The dilemma of analytic philosophy in Chinese

Huang Y. (2022). The dilemma of analytic philosophy in Chinese. The Philosophical Forum, 53, 175–186.


X comes under analytic philosophy if (1) X shares familiar features with other analytic philosophies, such as overlapping topics, doctrines, methods, or styles and (2) X is causally connected with paradigmatic figures of analytic philosophy, such as Frege, Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein, Quine, or Kripke.

作者指出,分析哲学在中国面临一个困境:on the one hand, if the analytic philosophy article in Chinese is a critical or original one, then it only performs the knowledge-service function but not the audience-service function; on the other hand, if the article is a survey, then it only performs the audience-service function but not the knowledge-service function. Either way, analytic philosophy in Chinese cannot fulfill both functions. 研究不能兼顾读者导向和知识导向。

对这个困境的解决,作者借鉴了Olberding (2015) and Huang (2016)对中国哲学在西方的困境的建议,并且反其道而行之,主张First, authors should find a topic that interests the audience in the context of Chinese philosophical practice, such as the subject of Chinese philosophy or a problem specifically concerning Chinese society. Second, the author should demonstrate how analytic philosophy can offer new perspectives on these subjects. 即,(1)中国语境下的问题;(2)分析哲学的回应。作者提供了几个范例:Jackson (2017),Sosa (2015),McLeod (2011) 。