书评:Against Individualism

Zhang, Xianglong. 2016. “Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion, Written by Henry Rosemont Jr.” Journal of Chinese Humanities (Leiden) 2 (2): 237–40. https://doi.org/10.1163/23521341-12340036.

人们总把儒家理解为服从权威,但是作者Rosemont 认为,应该从role ethics来理解儒家,不是服从关系,而是交互关系reciprocal relationships。其中,孝特别重要。因为孝(如同语言)是自然和习得的中介a combination of the natural and the learned。甚至可以建立一个人类中心的孝的宗教。


Bell, Daniel A. 2017. “Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion by Henry Rosemont Jr. (review).” Philosophy East & West 67 (2): 565–68. https://doi.org/10.1353/pew.2017.0042.

这本书有三部分组成:1,比较哲学的方法论;2,批判西方个人主义思想;3,强调儒家的角色位格role-bearing person(强调关系relational).

问题:角色承担者就没有自我self吗?作者以洋葱的比喻来回应。书评者认为,那么,诸多关系中,哪些关系更重要,哪些关系不那么重要?"Are all roles of the same significance in terms of shaping our identity? "