What is the "unity" in the "unity of knowledge and action"?

Lederman, H. (2022). What is the "unity" in the "unity of knowledge and action"?. Dao, 21(4), 569-603.

本文是对王阳明的知行合一的解释:何谓“合”?作者解释,王认为,合在本体上意味着,展示知即展示行,而不是知即行。作者的核心论点:I argue that Wang held, roughly, that a person exhibits the "original natural condition"本体 of knowledge if and only if they exhibit the "original natural condition" of action, and that Wang did not hold that the original natural conditions of knowledge and action are identical. 目前对知行合一有两种解释1, Unity;2, Identity (黄勇为代表),作者主张1,反对2。


1, Unity: A person genuinely knows filiality if and only if they are acting filially.

2, Identity: To genuinely know filiality just is to act filially. 

为了证明1,作者运用逻辑推理,分别证明:(1) 知孝→行孝;(2) 行孝→知孝。【总之,作者的意思是,工夫论上,知行是同一的;本体论上,知行是不同一的,而是一致的。】