书评:The Poetics of Early Chinese Thought

Tamburello, G. (2021). [Review of the book The Poetics of Early Chinese Thought: How the Shijing Shaped the Chinese Philosophical Tradition, by Michael Hunter]. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 48(4), 559-563. 

中国哲学的一些重要概念建基于《诗》。According to Hunter, pillars of Chinese philosophy such as the identification of virtue and power (48) or the concept self of dao 道 are all established in the Shijing (1), and without the Shijing, we would never have had Confucius or Laozi, or even the verses of Qu Yuan (1).

该书第二章,认为,《诗经》中的重要运动是“归”(诗经痴迷于此)。Hunter explains how the movement of return can be back home, back to the beloved, back to the country of origin, or back to the emperor; he reaches the conclusion that, in whichever way it happens, the return is always a return to society, to components of the society of which one is a part. From this point of view, the Shijing appears as a representation of the values cherished by society at that time. 即,归家,回归社会价值。


《诗经》中还存在一种shift,即从周代转移到帝国时代imperial period。

Michael Nylan. Review of Hunter, Michael, The Poetics of Early Chinese Thought: How the Shijing Shaped the Chinese Philosophical Tradition. H-Asia, H-Net Reviews. August, 2023. 



1, movement in the Odes, often back and forth between home and a distant site, constitutes a philosophy or an ideology.

2, he will "rescue" the Odes from oblivion, for "the Shi has not been taken seriously …

[due to] its exclusion from Chinese philosophy" (p.10). 书评者认为1与2同义反复,而且,只是教科书遗忘了诗,并不是所有研究者都遗忘了,特别是美学研究就没有遗忘。

3, he aims to treat the Shijing like a digital object (p. 31). 书评者认为,这并不算一个方法。

4,  the Laozi does not simply evince little interest in the Odes but was compiled expressly to oppose it (p. 115).
