Bernard Williams

Chappell, Sophie-Grace and Nicholas Smyth, "Bernard Williams", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.


他的第一本书Morality: an introduction to ethics (1972)涉及了许多他作品中的中心议题。Problems of the Self (1973), Moral Luck (1981)是其论文集。Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (1985)这本书则汇集了他对道德哲学较为集中统一的论述。Shame and Necessity (1993)则是他在牛津对古希腊伦理学的研究。得了癌症后,出的书Truth and Truthfulness (2002)论证了客观真理的重要性(反对罗蒂和德里达对真理的否定)。


在他的一篇著名论文"Internal and external reasons" (1981: 101–113)中,他主张,所有的理由reason是内在的,没有外在理由。换言之,we cannot have genuine reasons to act that have no connection whatever with anything that we care about.