Contempt, Withdrawal and Equanimity in the Zhuangzi

Lai, K. (2023). Contempt, Withdrawal and Equanimity in the Zhuangzi. Emotion Review, 15(3), 189-199.


Sec 1

春秋战国时期关于good life的争论:儒墨争论不休。

Sec 2


Sec 3

作者认为,Toeless has good reasons to withdraw from engaging with Confucius. 亦即,从价值争论中应该学会撤退withdraw。

能够撤退,才能通向庄子所谓的无情。 I suggest that appropriately withdrawing from engagement is an important strategy for attaining Zhuangzian equanimity.

Sec 4

作者认为,圣人无情,是庄子圣人观的一个重要特征equanimity is a key characteristic of sagehood。

例如“游”的概念。The idea of wandering also underlines how, in life, we should avoid participating in the hostile culture generated by thinkers with their intolerant attitudes.

并且,作者在本节回顾了相关学者的观点:Fraser's and Machek's views vs. Amy Olberding's view。

The aim is to accentuate the distinctiveness of Zhuangzian equanimity, which is critically engaged in life, but which is also ready to withdraw when the moment calls for it. 庄子的圣人无情的独特特征在于,进退自如。