Metaphysics: A contemporary introduction

Loux, M. J., & Crisp, T. M. (2017). Metaphysics: A contemporary introduction. Taylor & Francis.


根据亚里士多德,形而上学研究存在之为存在 the science of being qua being. (p. 1)

具体而言,就是研究一些特殊的存在的概念(范畴),包括:universals, concrete particulars, propositions, states of affairs. (p. 305)

共相问题universals:如何解释相似性现象The phenomenon of similarity (or attribute agreement)?

Realism主张,共相实在。 Nominalism否认共相,其动机是简约性(如无必要,勿增实体)。

具体殊相问题concrete particulars:具体殊相是什么东西?

观点1(the substratum theory):由更基础的殊相组成,这些殊相就是属性的例证

观点2(the bundle theory):没有更基础的殊相,事物只是一堆属性的集合

观点3(the substance theory):有一些殊相(实体)是作为存在论意义上的更为基础的东西

命题问题Proposition:什么是命题?(p. 119)


Facts / States of affairs / Events

Facts are those things in the world correspondence to which makes a proposition true. States of affairs are situations that have essentially the property of obtaining or failing to obtain; and states of affairs that obtain are said to be facts. Finally, events are things that take place or happen. (p. 118) 事实是世界中使得命题成真的对应事物。事态是获得某性质与否的情况。事件是发生的东西(存在与具体时空之中p. 144)。

事态 → 模态问题modality:必然性与可能性,事态可能与否?

de dicto从言模态:只是在讨论一个命题本身,规定整个句子

de re从物模态:只规定一个事物

这里又涉及可能世界possible world的观念。Lewis认为,我们的世界,对于其他可能世界,并没有优越性。


事件 → 因果性问题causality,事件接续发生吗?


时间问题:Is time real?

McTaggart's Argument: 






(1)持存问题Persistence through Time

The endurantist:事物完全在时间中持存

The perdurantist:事物的持存是不同时态的聚集

(2)整体与部分问题Parts and Wholes




Michael Dummett and Hilary Putnam二人支持反实在论anti-realism,并建议反实在论提出自己的意义与真理理论(the need for anti-Realist theories of meaning and truth p. 304)。 Both Dummett and Putnam hold that the proper route to the metaphysical picture of a world that is, at least in part, a world of our making is to be found in a certain semantical theory. (p. 310)