Mencius, Hume, and the virtue of humanity: sources of benevolent moral development

Carey, J., & Vitz, R. (2020). Mencius, Hume, and the virtue of humanity: sources of benevolent moral development. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 28(4), 693-713.


psychological source:孟子论恻隐,休谟论sympathy

social source:孟子论孝,休谟论家庭之爱(父母之爱是自然且值得称赞的,反之则不自然和可谴责的)

cognitive source:孟子论思,休谟论理解

本文的意义在于 "sketching…a practical path" toward the acquisition of the virtue of humanity. 勾勒一条获得德性的实践道路。